Brussels Griffon

This funny little dog is almost identical to his cousins, the Griffon Belge and the Petit Brabançon. He differs from the other two only by his pretty reddish colour. He is a nice, lively and friendly dog, which is still today the joy of ladies, but also of gentlemen and the entire family.

Height 20 to 28 cm
Weight 3 to 5 kg
Life expectancy 10 to 15 years
Hair Loss Medium
Excercise Need High
Home country Belgium

Quick Overview of the Brussels Griffon


  • Intelligent and faithful
  • Lively and energetic
  • Affectionate


  • Rather elegant
  • Mischievous air
  • Red to russet dress


  • Robust, hardly ever sick

Temperament of the Brussels Griffon

Lively, energetic, robust, intelligent, loyal and affectionate, the Brussels Griffon is an excellent companion that is very easy to live with. His playful temperament is very much appreciated by children as well as the whole household.

His training is easy and his socialization natural.

Lively, curious and full of energy, the Brussels Griffon is an outstanding life companion. Fun and cheerful, he brings happiness and joy of life around him.

He likes children and is always ready to play with them without ever getting tired. He loves everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.

He is a perfectly sociable dog, but he can also be an excellent guardian because he is very alert and attentive and warns at the slightest sign of intrusion.

However, he is never aggressive. He acts more as an alarm dog than a true guard dog.

Breed Appearance

Brussels griffin

The Brussels Griffon has a beautiful bone structure giving him a rather elegant appearance.

His mischievous look gives him an almost human appearance, offering a small, friendly and very balanced dog.


Between 20 and 28 cm (7.87 to 11.02 inches) for the male
Between 20 and 28 cm (7.87 to 11.02 inches) for the female


Between 3 and 5 kg (6.61 to 11.02 pounds) for the male
Between 3 and 5 kg (6.61 to 11.02 pounds) for the female


He has a beautiful red to russet colour.


His coat is harsh and slightly wavy, and has an undercoat.


His head has a rather broad skull and a very accentuated stop.

His large round eyes are a beautiful dark brown.

His small ears are semi-erect when they are whole, and erect when they are cut off.

His little nose is black. His tail is left natural or shortened according to the owner's choice.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 9, section 3 and is #80

Characteristics of the Brussels Griffon

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Life in an apartment
Good first dog
Tolerates solitude
Tolerates cold weather
Tolerates hot weather
Friendly with children
Friendly with strangers
Friendly with other animals
Hair loss
Drooling level
Easy to care for
Robust health
Easy to train
Tendency to bark
Tendency to nibble
Instinct to hunt
Adventurous spirit
Energy level
Level of intensity
Need for exercise

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Brussels Griffon puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder

Tips About this breed

He loves to learn and his education is generally easy.

However, it must be adequate and early in order to prevent him from doing as he pleases when aging.

His socialization is natural but should aim at restricting his shyness towards strangers.

Because of his size, he can live anywhere and with any type of owner.

Families, singles, elderly, every situation is compatible with him, but he must still exercise regularly in order to be fully fulfilled.

A daily walk is more than adequate in his situation.

Life in the city or in an apartment suits him just fine, as long as he can benefit from an outing or a walk every day.

Health of the Brussels Griffon

Despite his small size, he is a robust dog and almost never sick.

Some subjects may suffer from eye infections but this is not a pathology directly related to the breed.

This sweet little dog enjoys a very nice life expectancy.


His pretty reddish coat must be brushed regularly to keep it beautiful and healthy.

However, no further special maintenance is required.

History of this breed

Coming directly from Brussels, the capital of Belgium, he is descended, like his counterparts the Griffon Belge and the Petit Brabançon, from "Smousie", a pretty little rough-haired dog that was born in the vicinity of the city at one time.

After receiving the blood of the Pug and King Charles Spaniel Ruby in the 19th century, the current breed was established.

It's in 1883 that the first dogs were listed in L.O.S.H. (Livre des Origines St-Hubert or Book of St-Hubert Origins).

Bred to hunt rodents in the stables and to guard the carriages of the time, the Brussels Griffon, like the Griffon Belge, became one of the favourite little dogs of the ladies of the Court around 1900 after Queen Marie-Henriette took a new interest in him.

This royal affection thus allowed the breed to gain his letters of nobility and to spread beyond the borders of his native country.

The Brussels Griffon is an excellent companion dog and despite his small size, he also makes an excellent guard dog, becoming an alarm dog when necessary. Skill sports (agility) are no secret to him.

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