Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Kavkazskaya Ovcharka, Caucasian Mountain dog

Originally used to fend off wolves and bears and thus protect herds, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog has retained his initial instincts and remains today very close to his origins as protective guardian. Even though he is increasingly appreciated as a life companion, we must always keep in mind that he will defend his own against any intrusion and potential danger. In spite of a good education, he will always be suspicious and very reserved towards strangers while being devoted, affectionate and very attached to his family. He will be harmless to his own but will always be fearsome to others.

Height 62 to 69 cm
Weight 45 to 65 kg
Life expectancy 10 to 11 years

Quick Overview of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog


  • Guardian at heart
  • Incorruptible
  • Distrustful and aggressive towards strangers
  • Balanced and calm


  • Beautiful build
  • Massive and robust silhouette
  • Full of muscle and strength
  • Looks like a bear


  • Generally healthy
  • Rarely ill
  • No specific pathology

Temperament of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A guardian at heart, he is incorruptible, distrustful and even aggressive towards strangers. His defense will always be flawless.

Balanced and strong, he is extremely calm but still very reactive. He is exceptionally courageous and defence is his way of life. He guards, protects and defends his own without ever backing down. He is a canine knight that can bite if provoked.

berger du caucase personnalité

Breed Appearance

Caucasian Shepherd

This very large shepherd is beautifully built. His massive and robust silhouette is endowed with very strong muscles and equally strong bones. All in muscles and strength, his gait is not without recalling that of the bear.

In spite of the impression of a big and beautiful doggie, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is endowed with great strength of character and his instinct is naturally inclined towards the protection of his own, whether human or not.


Between 62 and 69 cm (24.41 to 27.17 inches) for the male
Between 62 and 69 cm (24.41 to 27.17 inches) for the female


Between 45 and 65 kg (99.21 to 143.30 pounds) for the male
Between 45 and 65 kg (99.21 to 143.30 pounds) for the female


His dress can vary and different colors are possible. It can be in shades of reddish brown, white, straw, grey with various zones, brindle, red as well as magpie with spots.


His straight hair is usually medium-long. There are some short-haired and long-haired specimens, but the most common are mid-length haired. The undercoat is strongly developed.


His head is endowed with a very massive skull whose stop is not so marked. His head is very reminiscent of a bear's. His small dark eyes are oval in shape and are well sunken in their sockets. His large nose is generally black. His tail is usually ring, hook or sickle shaped. It can sometimes be cut off.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 2, section 2 and is #328

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Caucasian Shepherd Dog puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder
Average monthly budget for a Caucasian Shepherd Dog:
The monthly budget includes the average expenses for food and hygiene products (grooming, anti-parasite...)

Tips About this breed

This magnificent and very large hairy specimen with the appearance of a huge doggie is actually a formidable weapon if not well mastered and educated by a firm and constant hand.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has a natural defensive character. Even if he is very balanced and calm, he quickly becomes reactive in danger situations. Totally indifferent to strangers, he can even be dangerous if he is not well trained.

His upbringing must be precocious, firm and without aggression. His friendly nature should be noted and encouraged and the trainer must be educated and well prepared. Dog psychology must be present in his education and his natural aggressiveness must never be encouraged.

This huge Shepherd Dog is very attached to his family and makes a wonderful companion for both big and small and will have no problem protecting them against all.

It's almost unthinkable that he would live indoors. Not only does he need space, but he is not at all suitable for neophytes. He can adapt very well to different climates and does not suffer at all from living outdoors. He is hardy and has exceptional stamina.

Health of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This very large, robust and solid specimen is not affected by any specific pathology. His health is generally impeccable and he is rarely ill. As he is a very large dog, his life expectancy is shorter but he is still appreciable for such a large size dog.

Litters can sometimes be problematic for the breed because 15 to 16 puppies are a regular litter number for this large dog. It is then very difficult for the female dog to watch over her herd and get them all back.


He will enjoy a good weekly brushing of his pretty fleece that will preserve the beauty and health of his coat. Since the time allotted is so minimal, it is easy to integrate it into the week's schedule.

History of this breed

Like most breeds of Russian dogs, the history of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is quite unknown. Due to the closure between countries during the time of the former Soviet Union and the difficulty of obtaining information even on the history and origin of the dogs, data is missing in several respects.

Even today, the Russians themselves do not have all the information related to this period.

Virtually unknown outside his natural habitat and mainly bred by Caucasian shepherds, the breed made his first international appearances around 1979. Today, more widespread and appreciated, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is probably descended from the ancient Tibetan Mastiffs, such as the Central Asian Shepherd.

This sheep herder is very popular in Russia of course, but he is also appreciated in Hungary and Poland and after the fall of the Berlin Wall, several specimens crossed into Germany. He has managed to go beyond his original borders to become better known on the European continent. Even if he is not yet very well known, his popularity has nevertheless increased compared to its beginnings.

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