

The Eurasian has all the physical aspects of the Chow-Chow while combining beautiful family qualities and a superb warm and friendly temperament.

Height 48 to 60 cm
Weight 20 to 30 kg
Life expectancy 11 to 13 years
Hair Loss High
Excercise Need Medium
Home country Germany

Quick Overview of the Eurasian


  • Playful and sweet
  • Reserved and quiet
  • Rather sedentary
  • Distrustful of strangers


  • Medium-heavy bone structure
  • Harmoniously proportioned silhouette
  • Dense, medium-long and flat coat
  • Pretty bushy tail


  • No particular pathology
  • Resistant to all climates
  • Rarely ill

Temperament of the Eurasian

Playful, gentle, reserved, calm and rather sedentary, the Eurasian is suspicious of strangers. However, since he barks very rarely, he is not a very good guard.

He is easy to educate but one must be rigorous and firm without ever using any form of brutality in his presence. He hates impatient and abrupt gestures.

eurasier personnalité

Breed Appearance


Spitz type and medium size, the Eurasian has a medium-heavy bone structure in a beautifully proportioned silhouette. His build is more like a rectangle than a square and his furry physique is reminiscent of his ancestor, the Chow-Chow.


Between 52 and 60 cm (20.47 to 23.62 inches) for the male
Between 48 and 56 cm (18.90 to 22.05 inches) for the female


Between 25 and 30 kg (55.12 to 66.14 pounds) for the male
Between 20 and 26 kg (44.09 to 57.32 pounds) for the female


All colors of dress are allowed in his case.


His dense coat is average length and flat without being too tight.


The Eurasian's head is reminiscent of that of his ancestor, the wolf. His eyes are a pretty dark color, slightly oblique and medium size. His triangular ears are not very large but they are quite straight. His nose is black. His pretty bushy tail is folded over the back, curled or slightly curved to the side.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 5, section 5 and is #291

Characteristics of the Eurasian

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Life in an apartment
Good first dog
Tolerates solitude
Tolerates cold weather
Tolerates hot weather
Friendly with children
Friendly with strangers
Friendly with other animals
Hair loss
Drooling level
Easy to care for
Robust health
Easy to train
Tendency to bark
Tendency to nibble
Instinct to hunt
Adventurous spirit
Energy level
Level of intensity
Need for exercise

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Eurasian puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder
Average monthly budget for a Eurasian:
The monthly budget includes the average expenses for food and hygiene products (grooming, anti-parasite...)

Tips About this breed

Constant contact with his family is vital to him. He loves the air and freedom, but he must be in constant contact with his family. He doesn't bark for nothing and is compatible with all situations.

He can easily live in the city as well as in the country. Even if he likes to be free, a garden from where he can enter the house as he pleases will completely satisfy him. Since he barks only when necessary, the neighbours will have no trouble putting up with him.

Exclusively a companion dog, the Eurasier is extremely friendly and devoted to his family. He loves children and as he has a very playful temperament, he always seems to be happy when he makes contact with them.

He is sociable but remains suspicious of strangers. A good early socialization must be instilled in him and his education must still be rigorous, especially in males, if they have to mix with other dogs.

He has an excellent character but hates impatience, sudden gestures and violence. His upbringing must be firm, but gentle and with respect for his nature.

Health of the Eurasian

He is not affected by any particular pathology and is resistant to all climates and weather conditions. He has a good life expectancy and is rarely ill.


His beautiful, dense coat should be brushed at least once a week to ensure good health and to keep it beautiful and clean. No other maintenance is necessary.

History of this breed

Coming from Germany, this breed is quite recent. It was in the 1950s that Konrad Lorenz, the famous ethologist, tried to reconstitute a very old breed that had long since disappeared, the Laika de Nenets.

This very old breed was the result of a cross between the Chow-Chow and the Wolfspitz (German Spitz). The Laika de Nenets lived in the wild at the time.

It is exactly the same initial crossbreeding that led Konrad Lorenz to create the Eurasian. He guided Julius Wipfel in his selection work on the breed.

Mr. Wipfel wanted to obtain a medium sized dog of Nordic type with an attractive look and a great adaptability to all lifestyles.

He wanted to create a dog with a stable character, never aggressive and able to live as much on a farm, in the suburbs, in a large city house as in a smaller apartment. It was the outcrossing with the Samoyed that stabilized his temperament and refined the look of the current breed.

After this outcrossing with a Samoyed female in the 1970s, the breed was officially recognized in 1973 by the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) under its current name, Eurasian.

Once officially recognized by the FCI, the breed spread considerably throughout Europe but always in rather limited numbers. Even if the breed is known in Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Austria, Holland and of course in Germany, it has never managed to achieve the same success as the Chow-Chow.

As the Eurasian comes from the Chow-Chow and looks a lot like him, it seems that the latter is always more popular than the Eurasian, which remains much less known than his ancestor.

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