Hamilton Hound


Friendly and pleasant with everyone, the Hamilton Hound can live very well alone or with his family. Independent by nature, he has no problem living with a bachelor. He is suitable for all owners as long as he is entitled to his daily exercise. He is a magnificent dog with very good skills to become a great hunter as well as a great life companion.

Height 49 to 61 cm
Weight 23 to 27 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 13 years
Home country Sweden

Quick Overview of the Hamilton Hound


  • Intelligent and balanced
  • Lonely and docile
  • Balanced character
  • Easy and pleasant to be around


  • Very well proportioned
  • Muscular appearance and good endurance
  • Eyes of a beautiful dark brown


  • Robust and very solid
  • Has excellent health
  • Rarely ill
  • No particular pathology

Temperament of the Hamilton Hound

Intelligent, balanced, lonely, docile and consistent character, the Hamilton Hound is a pleasant dog, easy to live with. Courageous and endowed with great endurance, he is a remarkable hunting dog.

Solitary at heart and quite independent, the Hamilton Hound is affectionate and very attached to his master and family. He enjoys being with his family and in their company. He is very fond of children and he is never aggressive.

Breed Appearance

chien courant de hamilton

Very well proportioned, the Hamilton Hound exudes a vigorous impression as well as great strength. With a muscular appearance and good endurance, he is not heavy. His silhouette and appearance offer a pleasant, calm and rather balanced look.


Between 53 and 61 cm (20.87 to 24.02 inches) for the male
Between 49 and 57 cm (19.29 to 22.44 inches) for the female


Between 23 and 27 kg (50.71 to 59.52 pounds) for the male
Between 23 and 27 kg (50.71 to 59.52 pounds) for the female


The Hamilton Hound's coat is always tricolor. Black is found on the upper part of the tail, sides of the trunk and on the neck. The tan color, which can go to reddish brown, is found on the lateral sides of the tail, trunk and neck as well as on the limbs and head.

White is found on the muzzle and sometimes on the neck, chest, tip of tail as well as legs and feet.


His hair is rough, not too short, and close to the body.


His head has a slightly domed skull and a well-defined stop. His eyes of a beautiful dark brown color have a very calm expression. His soft ears are pressed against the cheeks and their front edge is straight and not folded out. His pretty nose is all black. His tail is sometimes slightly curved or straight and reaches the hock.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 6, section 1 and is #132

Tips About this breed

Balanced, gentle, tenacious, with a courageous character, he hunts in a constant manner. He is sometimes used to hunt wild boar but always works alone. He's not a pack dog.

Quite friendly and gentle, his education is relatively easy but it must be adequate.

Health of the Hamilton Hound

Tough, enduring and very strong, the Hamilton Hound has excellent health and is rarely sick. No specific disease or pathology affects the breed. The specimens generally enjoy a very good life expectancy.


His pretty flattened ears require regular monitoring and maintenance. Brushing his dress should also be done on a regular basis to keep it clean and healthy.

History of this breed

Coming from Sweden, the Hamilton Hound is said to be a mixture of Foxhound, Harrier and a supply of hounds from Switzerland and South Germany.

Many breeds of hounds have passed through Sweden since the 16th century, in part due to hunting, largely practiced by the nobles.

In the 18th century, when the hunting ban for common people was abolished, dogs belonging to the nobility only then became more popular and known throughout the country and by the entire population. The abolition of the ban allowed all hounds of the time to develop and facilitated their popularity throughout the territory.

In 1886, Count Adolf Patrick Hamilton presented, among more than 189 other hounds, a couple of hounds at the Swedish dog show, named Pang and Stella. These two dogs were considered the ancestral couple of the breed. Originally, they were known as Hamiltonstövare and the breed was also known as the Swedish Hound.

It was not until 1921 that he received the official name of Hamilton Hound to honor the man who created the breed and the Swedish Kennel Club, Count Adolf Patrick Hamilton.

Formerly used for hunting, he has remained first and foremost an excellent hunting dog. Most commonly used for fox and hare hunting, he barks easily and can chase unwounded game or wounded game by smell. He is endowed with great aptitudes for hunting but also possesses superb qualities for making an excellent life companion.

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