
Cousin or ancestor of the Newfoundland, these two closely related breeds are both similar and different. The Newfoundland is very popular and numbers are high in Canada and elsewhere, while the Landseer is less known and often confused with his favorite counterpart. Even the famous Landseer painting from which the breed gets his name, probably represents a Newfoundland and not a Landseer. This magnificent dog with many qualities and superb aptitudes still lives in the shadow of the Newfoundland today. Even though the two breeds are completely distinct, the fact that they are continually confused is still detrimental to the development of the Landseer. This is why it is sometimes difficult to find a puppy, unlike the Newfoundland, which is often more readily available. The Landseer deserves his title as a breed in its own right because of his beautiful qualities, good character and many abilities. Remember, the Landseer and the Newfoundland are two different and totally distinct breeds.

Height 67 to 80 cm
Weight 70 to 75 kg
Life expectancy 11 to 12 years

Quick Overview of the Landseer


  • Serious
  • Nice
  • Excellent character
  • Strong temperament


  • Webbed paws
  • Harmless appearance
  • Long, smooth, fine and dense hair
  • Triangular ears


  • No particular problem
  • Hardly ever sick

Temperament of the Landseer

More serious than his Newfoundland counterpart, but just as gentle, the Landseer has an excellent character, but his strong temperament is not as easy to train.

He is calm, affectionate and very gentle with his family, but not a guardian at all, except by his impressive size. Less prone to dressage than the Newfoundland, he is still receptive to education.

This hardworking water dog, with his many water rescue skills, is also an excellent companion, search, guard and even hunting dog.

This huge dog with the appearance of a big doggie is extremely friendly, while being much more serious than the Newfoundland. Less playful and more reserved, the Landseer loves his family just as much, and he's not dangerous to children either.

He is very intelligent, and even if he is resistant to training, it is still quite easy to make him obedient.

He is sociable by nature, and his upbringing is all the easier. This great family and companion dog can live just about anywhere. Of course, because of his size, the garden is the ideal place for him.

His more withdrawn nature makes him enjoy the company of his family, but he does not have to live with them all the time, unlike Newfoundlanders, for whom human company is essential.

Breed Appearance


This water dog with webbed paws is a much more hardy dog than the Newfoundland.

This large, sturdy dog has a harmoniously shaped silhouette, and although he physically resembles the Newfoundland, the Landseer's limbs are more developed and his coat is different. However, he also has the appearance of a nice, hairy dog.


Between 72 and 80 cm (28.35 to 31.50 inches) for the male
Between 67 and 72 cm (26.38 to 28.35 inches) for the female


Between 70 and 75 kg (154.32 to 165.34 pounds) for the male
Between 70 and 75 kg (154.32 to 165.34 pounds) for the female


His pretty coat is light white with black patches.


His long, smooth hair is fine and dense and is tangled with his undercoat.


His broad head with a massive skull has a clear stop. His almond shaped eyes are medium to dark brown and medium size.

His triangular ears, well set on either side of the head, are also medium size. His nose is all black. His strong bushy tail with very tight hair barely reaching beyond the hock.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 2, section 2 and is #226

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Landseer puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder

Landseer puppies near me

Health of the Landseer

He has no particular health issues, and is more robust than his cousin or descendant, the Newfoundland.

He is almost never sick, and his long life expectancy is considerable for such a large dog.


His beautiful, abundant coat requires energetic brushing at least two to three times a week.

No other special care is necessary, but regular brushing is essential for the beauty and health of his coat.

History of this breed

Apparently originating from Canada, more specifically the island of Newfoundland, located at the mouth of the great St. Lawrence River, the Landseer is said to share origins with the Newfoundland, another superb great Canadian dog.

The Landseer is named after the famous animal painter, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer.

It is not clear whether the Landseer is the cousin or the ancestor of Newfoundland. As the information is not official, he may be older than the latter.

Although his early origins are apparently Canadian, the breed was later developed in England and evolved in Germany and Switzerland. It was the famous cynologist, Professor A. Heim, who directed his selection.

This beautiful big dog has long been associated with the Newfoundland, but the two breeds were separated in 1928 and in 1960, the F.C.I. (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) recognized him as a breed in its own right.

This magnificent specimen is used today as companion dog, alarm dog to deter intruders, retriever in hunting, and search dog in water rescues.

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