Old Danish Pointer

This very rustic and ancient dog has beautiful characteristics that can adapt to different families. He loves freedom and will be very happy in a large garden or in the countryside. As he has great hunting skills, hunting families are well served by his talent as a pointing dog and at the same time, by his great family qualities. He is an excellent dog to discover.

Height 50 to 60 cm
Weight 26 to 35 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 13 years
Hair Loss Medium
Excercise Need High
Home country Denmark

Quick Overview of the Old Danish Pointer


  • Brave and determined
  • Exemplary calm
  • Affectionate and gentle
  • Dedicated and pleasant


  • Excellent musculature
  • Heavily built
  • Elastic and flexible gait
  • Dense and short coat


  • No particular health problems
  • Avoid isolation for his mental health

Temperament of the Old Danish Pointer

Determined and very brave, the Old Danish Pointer shows exemplary stability and calm. Affectionate and very gentle, he is a devoted and pleasant family dog.

Despite his great abilities as a companion dog, the Old Danish Pointer remains an excellent hunting companion as well. His determination and devotion make it easy for him to do his job.

In his presence, there will be no unnecessary agitation on the hunting grounds when he does his work as a pointing dog. Whether the terrain is large or small, he will make no difference and will accomplish his task with the same determination.

A particularity of the breed is the difference between the male and female. Solid and powerful, the male is calm and balanced. However, the female has a lighter build, a very lively character and is much more capricious.

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Breed Appearance

Danish pointing dog

With excellent muscles, this strongly built dog has an elastic, flexible gait that undoubtedly comes from his Spanish ancestors.


Between 54 and 60 cm (21.26 to 23.62 inches) for the male
Between 50 and 56 cm (19.69 to 22.05 inches) for the female


Between 30 and 35 kg (66.14 to 77.16 pounds) for the male
Between 26 and 31 kg (57.32 to 68.34 pounds) for the female


His coat is on a white background but has brown patches. The spots form small dots on the coat which are preferably quite dark.


His dense, short hair is rather rough to the touch.


His head is large and rather short. His medium size eyes are dark brown. His large ears with rounded tips are set low.
His nose varies in different shades of brown depending on the coat. His tail is hanging and tapers towards the tip.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 7, section 1 and is #281

Characteristics of the Old Danish Pointer

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Life in an apartment
Good first dog
Tolerates solitude
Tolerates cold weather
Tolerates hot weather
Friendly with children
Friendly with strangers
Friendly with other animals
Hair loss
Drooling level
Easy to care for
Robust health
Easy to train
Tendency to bark
Tendency to nibble
Instinct to hunt
Adventurous spirit
Energy level
Level of intensity
Need for exercise

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Old Danish Pointer puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder

Tips About this breed

This excellent family dog is rather calm, relaxed and very serene. He can live and adapt just about anywhere as long as he has space to grow freely.

Since he can't stand being locked up or tied up, this space is vital to him. Attachment and confinement are simply unbearable, and such a situation will make him so unhappy that it will affect his mental health. His ancestral stray dog genes are probably responsible for this.

Health of the Old Danish Pointer

This robust dog does not present any particular health problems. However, confinement should be avoided as isolation and confinement can seriously affect his mental health.


The Old Danish Pointer does not require any special maintenance. A brushing from time to time will be pleasant and beneficial to him but it is not an absolute necessity.

History of this breed

Going back to the 1710's, the origins of the breed obviously come from Denmark and more precisely from the Glenstrup area.

Between the towns named Hobro and Randers, a man named Morten Bak is said to have used more than eight generations of stray dogs from this region, to crossbreed them with the Italian Pointer resulting in the Old Danish Pointer.

His real name, taken from his country of origin, Denmark, is Gammel Dansk Honsehund.

Although the farmers in the area called them "Bloodhounds", it is more likely that the breed's ancestors, the farmers' stray dogs of the Glenstrup area at the time, were mostly of Spanish origin.

The Italian Pointer and these Spanish stray dogs would therefore be the most likely ancestors of the Old Danish Pointer.

This dog is still very much appreciated today for his great skills as a pointing dog. Hunters use him to hunt game of all sizes.

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