Picardy Spaniel

Despite all his beautiful qualities and many aptitudes, the Picardy Spaniel is practically unknown abroad, and his numbers are limited within his country of origin. Fortunately, he is very much appreciated in his native region, the North of France. However, this superb dog would benefit from being discovered by hunters and families everywhere else in the world.

Height 55 to 60 cm
Weight 18 to 23 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 14 years
Home country France

Quick Overview of the Picardy Spaniel


  • Persevering and enduring
  • Gentle and sociable
  • Good temperament
  • Very faithful


  • Expressive and very soft look
  • Calm and balanced gait
  • Nice presence
  • Round and wide head


  • Generally healthy
  • No particular pathology
  • Beware of ear infections

Temperament of the Picardy Spaniel

Persevering, enduring, gentle, sociable, good temperament, he is a very faithful dog and  committed to his master. His great sociability makes him compatible with all.

His education generally causes no particular problems.

Efficient at hunting, he is gentle, kind, affectionate and very docile in family. This cheerful and particularly intelligent dog is always ready to please his master whom he adores, as well as all the other members of the household.

He loves everyone and enjoys the company of children. He is always ready to participate in all their games.

The excellent temperament of the Picardy Spaniel makes him accessible to all types of owners. Very sociable, he is never aggressive and a poor guardian.

With a rather docile character, he is easy to train and socialize, but it is preferable to begin his education very early, as is the case with most dogs.

épagneul picard personnalité

Breed Appearance

picardy spaniel

Endowed with an expressive and very gentle look, this dog offers at first glance a happy blend between the native Spaniel and the Oysel dog.

His strong and nervous limbs still offer a calm and balanced gait.

This well-trained dog shows an imposing but joyful head.

Physically, he displays a presence and pleasant appearance. He is a superb canine specimen.


Between 55 and 60 cm (21.65 to 23.62 inches) for the male
Between 55 and 60 cm (21.65 to 23.62 inches) for the female


Between 18 and 23 kg (39.68 to 50.71 pounds) for the male
Between 18 and 23 kg (39.68 to 50.71 pounds) for the female


The color of his coat is a pretty mottled grey with brown patches on different parts of the body and at the root of the tail.

Red spots are also present on the feet and head.


The thick hair of his slightly wavy coat is rather tight.


The head of the Picardy Spaniel is round and broad and has an oblique stop.

His pretty eyes are dark amber color. His ears frame the head very well and are set low.

His pretty nose is brown. His tail is not too long, but is nicely decorated with light, concave and convex curves.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 7, section 1 and is #108

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Picardy Spaniel puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder

Tips About this breed

This superb specimen is enduring and persevering in his work.

Used for hunting pheasant in the woods or snipe in the marshes, he can also be very efficient for hunting hare, rabbit and duck.

Well adapted to all types of terrain, he is nevertheless a specialist of marshland, he also tolerates all weather conditions, making him an excellent retriever.

A hunting dog at heart, he loves exercise. He can be happy in the city if he benefits from a large space to spend his overflowing energy.

Like all dogs in his category, he must be able to exercise regularly to be happy.

Once his energy has been expended, he will be very happy to find his master in the peace and quiet of the home.

He likes the presence of human beings and must be able to benefit from regular contact with his master.

Health of the Picardy Spaniel

Like most Spaniels, this beautiful specimen is robust and generally enjoys excellent health and long life expectancy.

The breed is not affected by any particular pathology or genetic defect.

Some specimens may suffer from ear infections but this is not specific to the breed as such. A regular check of the ears usually prevents this kind of problem.


It is highly recommended that the Picardy Spaniel be brushed at least once a week and that his ears be checked just as regularly.

After a hunting episode, it is best to clean the ears and brush the coat to prevent foreign bodies getting into it. No other special maintenance is necessary.

History of this breed

Originally from Northern France, the Picardy Spaniel has many similarities with the Blue Picardy Spaniel of which he is the ancestor.

The ancestors of the Picardy Spaniel are among the Oysel dogs of the Middle Ages. He is therefore one of the oldest breeds of Spaniels in the country.

Very popular for hunting, he acquired at the time, the favor of the French nobles.

The Picardy Spaniel has a coat that allows it to resist very well to bad weather, which allowed him to hunt on all terrains regardless of weather conditions.

After the French Revolution, hunting being reserved only for nobles, the breed became popular with the French. The numbers were more concentrated in the Northwestern part of the country because of the dog's very resistant coat, well adapted to the climate of the region.

With the arrival of English hunting dogs in the 20th century, he unfortunately lost his popularity little by little.

It was at the same time that he was crossed with the English Setter which resulted in the creation of the Blue Picardy Spaniel. Although the Picardy Spaniel was threatened, because of his decline in popularity with the arrival of the English Setter, he received his standard in 1907 and was officially recognized as a distinct breed in 1938.

Today he is recognized as a breed in his own right by the North American Kennel Club, the American Rare Breed Association, the United Kennel Club and the Continental Kennel Club.

The Picardy Spaniel is an excellent hunter whose performances are whole. He is also efficient as a  pointer or retriever dog.

Whatever the terrain where he works (water, marsh, plain, etc.), he is constant and determined in his task. This excellent hunting dog also possesses superb attitudes to become an excellent companion dog. Moreover, he greatly appreciates the constant presence of humans at his side.

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