Westphalian Dachsbracke

This magnificent hunting specimen is highly appreciated in his country of origin but very little known elsewhere on the planet. The Westphalian Dachsbracke seems to be limited to his region and despite the fact that the breed is very old, it has never spread beyond the borders of Germany. However, this specimen has superb characteristics and immense possibilities as a hunting and companion dog and therefore should be discovered, but to do so, you will have to go to Germany.

Height 30 to 38 cm
Weight 15 to 18 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 13 years
Hair Loss Low
Excercise Need High
Home country Germany

Quick Overview of the Westphalian Dachsbracke


  • Combative, tenacious, agile and gentle
  • Excellent hunting dog
  • Loves all sorts of games
  • Cannot tolerate a sedentary lifestyle


  • Strong silhouette
  • Dress varies from red to yellow with white spots
  • Rather rough, tight and coarse hair


  • Enjoy excellent health
  • Rarely ill

Temperament of the Westphalian Dachsbracke

Rather combative, agile, tenacious, affectionate and gentle, the Westphalian Dachsbracke is an excellent hunting dog with an exceptional sense of smell that allows him to follow the tracks of his prey.

Active and energetic, the Westphalian Dachsbracke loves to play all kinds of games, especially those of children, with whom he can play for a long time without tiring. With a lively temperament, he must be constantly in action. He is no sedentary dog.

He is very sociable and not really good at guarding because he loves everyone, big and small.

Breed Appearance


The Westphalian Dachsbracke is very similar to the German Pointer in many respects, but in a reduced format. However, he gives the impression of being more powerful and stockier than his ancestor. Of moderate length, his silhouette is very strong and well built. In spite of his small size, the fundamental features of his gait correspond to those of his larger ancestors.


Between 30 and 38 cm (11.81 to 14.96 inches) for the male
Between 30 and 38 cm (11.81 to 14.96 inches) for the female


Between 15 and 18 kg (33.07 to 39.68 pounds) for the male
Between 15 and 18 kg (33.07 to 39.68 pounds) for the female


The coat varies from red to yellow with the typical Pointer saddle and white spots. It also has white stripes on the muzzle with a white collar and chest as well as white on the limbs and tip of the tail.


The body hair of a rather rough type is tight, coarse and very sticky. It is rather short on the lower limbs, ears and head, while a little longer on the neck, back and tail.


His head has a not too wide skull with a slight stop. His dark eyes are crystal clear. His large ears are medium length and slightly rounded at the tip. His nose is strongly pigmented. His strong hanging tail is set high and ends in a slight curve.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 6, section 1 and is #100

Characteristics of the Westphalian Dachsbracke

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Life in an apartment
Good first dog
Tolerates solitude
Tolerates cold weather
Tolerates hot weather
Friendly with children
Friendly with strangers
Friendly with other animals
Hair loss
Drooling level
Easy to care for
Robust health
Easy to train
Tendency to bark
Tendency to nibble
Instinct to hunt
Adventurous spirit
Energy level
Level of intensity
Need for exercise

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Westphalian Dachsbracke puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder

Tips About this breed

This lovely dog is very friendly and has a good jovial and affectionate character. With a formidable hunting flair, he will follow the trail to the burrow. This hunting dog at heart has a great need for exercise. Apartment life doesn't really suit him.

Large spaces or a big garden where he can run will satisfy him completely.  You must be able to let him play and run according to his needs.

Socialization is not really a problem because it is innate to him, but his education must be firm and undertaken at a very early age. He has a docile character and his education does not pose any problem but it must be started early to ensure the dog's total obedience.

Health of the Westphalian Dachsbracke

The breed is not related to any particular pathology and the dog generally enjoys excellent health. He is rarely ill and his life expectancy is still appreciable.


His medium size ears must be monitored regularly, especially when returning from hunting, and a good and energetic brushing on a regular basis will do the trick. No other special maintenance is required for this breed.

History of this breed

Despite its age, the breed's history remains very confidential and not widespread. Since the 17th century, the Westphalian Dachsbracke has been a favorite of the German royal courts.

Apparently coming from Germany, the breed is said to be a cross between the German Pointer and some Basset Hounds, probably including the Dachshund.

This reduced model of German Hound received its standard in 1910, but data on the breed remains confidential outside the borders of his country of origin.

His exceptional flair makes him a much appreciated hunting dog, but he also has some fine qualities that make him an excellent life companion.

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