American Foxhound

The American Foxhound is a very special dog with particular needs. A house with a garden where he can run might do the trick, but he will still need a little more to satisfy his great need for exercise and work. He is compatible with families, children and, of course, hunting enthusiasts. However, one must be prepared to devote time to his education very early on, and to his great need for exercise once he is adult, because he is more of a sports than a sedentary type. Constant, loyal and affectionate, the American Foxhound is an excellent dog. All it takes is getting to know each other and being aware of the needs of your four-legged companion to make a successful partnership.

Height 53 to 64 cm
Weight 28 to 34 kg
Life expectancy 10 to 12 years
Hair Loss Medium
Excercise Need High
Home country United States (US)

Quick Overview of the American Foxhound


  • Rather dominant character
  • Pleasant and nice in general
  • Sociable with the whole family
  • Rather stubborn and obstinate


  • Strong and muscular silhouette
  • Dense rough hair
  • Long head with round skull
  • Big soft eyes


  • Excellent health
  • No particular pathology

Temperament of the American Foxhound

Hard working and with a rather dominating character, the American Foxhound prefers to work alone. Even if he can do it in a group, he will be more efficient by himself.

Teamwork is not his cup of tea. Pleasant and gentle, he will be sociable with all members of the household.

With a rather reserved temperament towards strangers, he can sometimes be protective and even show a certain level of aggressiveness.

He has a good tolerance for other dogs but has difficulty cohabiting with other species, his hunting instinct taking precedence over socialization.

He tends to be rather stubborn and obstinate. His upbringing is not always restful. He must be educated at a very young age by a strong hand who must socialize him early in order to minimize his tendency to aggressiveness.

He is an outstanding working dog that also has great qualities as a companion dog but needs to be held firmly.

Breed Appearance

American foxhound

Looking very much like his British ancestor, the American Foxhound is slightly thinner and larger than the English Foxhound.

His silhouette is strong and muscular. He looks a bit like a giant Beagle.


Between 56 and 64 cm (22.05 to 25.20 inches) for the male
Between 53 and 61 cm (20.87 to 24.02 inches) for the female


Between 30 and 34 kg (66.14 to 74.96 pounds) for the male
Between 28 and 32 kg (61.73 to 70.55 pounds) for the female


All dress colors are accepted as well as spots.


His medium-length hair is dense and rough.


His long head with a round and broad skull has a slightly domed occiput. His large, soft eyes are hazelnut or brown and are well separated from each other.

His long, low set ears are broad with a fine texture. His nose is dark. His tail is set high, slightly curved and carried cheerfully without folding over the back.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 6, section 1 and is #303

Characteristics of the American Foxhound

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Life in an apartment
Good first dog
Tolerates solitude
Tolerates cold weather
Tolerates hot weather
Friendly with children
Friendly with strangers
Friendly with other animals
Hair loss
Drooling level
Easy to care for
Robust health
Easy to train
Tendency to bark
Tendency to nibble
Instinct to hunt
Adventurous spirit
Energy level
Level of intensity
Need for exercise

Tips About this breed

This cute dog, looking like a big Beagle, is obviously not for all types of owners.

He is an excellent dog, but with a rather dominant character that one must be prepared to maintain firmly.

He can make an excellent companion for families even with children.

However, one must be prepared to invest time in his education in order to control his tendency to stubbornness and refusal to obey.

The American Foxhound is a very combative dog for hunting, an area for which he was originally created.

Work is not a choice, it is an essential need in his case. If the American Foxhound is not put to work, he can sometimes become irritable. That is the nature of the Foxhound.

He finds the great outdoors more enjoyable than city parks because his need for exercise is high.

He can also bark quite a bit, which can cause some conflict in the neighbourhood.

Health of the American Foxhound

The American Foxhound is generally in excellent health.

He is rather robust, having been created for work exclusively. He generally enjoys a good life expectancy.


His coat doesn't really need any special care.

Like all other dogs, a little brushing, clipping of claws, checking of ears, eyes and teeth from time to time will do the trick.

History of this breed

The history of the American Foxhound begins in the 17th century, when English Foxhounds were brought to America.

Later, the English Foxhound was crossed with French hounds received by George Washington at the time.

In addition to the French hounds, which were at the origin of the crossbreeding, some English and Irish hounds would also have contributed to the result we know today, the American Foxhound.

Originally used to hunt foxes, he were later greatly appreciated for hunting larger game such as wild boar. In 1850, the first standard was established and the American Kennel Club recognized him in 1894.

Even today, the American Foxhound is not very widespread, even in the United States, his country of origin.

Some families now use him as a companion dog, but his hunting spirit and character still make him an excellent hunting hound for different game sizes.

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