Miniature Pinscher


The Miniature Pinscher is a dog that everyone loves. However, the master must be on top of his temperament in order to educate him properly and allow him to socialize effectively. Balanced and lively, he is an excellent companion for all situations and for all types of owners.

Height 25 to 30 cm
Weight 4 to 6 kg
Life expectancy 13 to 14 years
Home country Germany

Quick Overview of the Miniature Pinscher


  • Overflowing energy
  • Extremely bright
  • Intelligent and affectionate
  • Slightly independent


  • Harmonious lines
  • Well-proportioned appearance
  • Strong muscles
  • One or bicolor dress


  • Very solid and robust
  • Generally enjoys a good health
  • Rarely ill
  • Long life expectancy

Temperament of the Miniature Pinscher

Overflowing with energy, extremely lively, intelligent, affectionate but a little independent, the Miniature Pinscher has a very strong temperament.

Sociable but still reserved, his education and socialization must be carried out without concession.

This good life companion is one of the most dynamic dogs that ever existed. His overflowing energy is very characteristic of him. This sweet little dog is a caring and very pleasant companion that adapts easily to all family situations.

Elderly people as well as very small children can benefit from his presence without any problem, but it is necessary to be vigilant in some cases because of his overflowing energy which could unintentionally make them fall or injure them.

pinscher nain personnalité

Breed Appearance

dwarf pinescher

The Miniature Pinscher is a true "bonzai" format of the German Pinscher. His musculature is solid and shows beautiful power. His general physical aspect is totally reminiscent of the German Pinscher but in a much smaller format.


Between 25 and 30 cm (9.84 to 11.81 inches) for the male
Between 25 and 30 cm (9.84 to 11.81 inches) for the female


Between 4 and 6 kg (8.82 to 13.23 pounds) for the male
Between 4 and 6 kg (8.82 to 13.23 pounds) for the female



The short hair of his pretty dress is shiny and well furnished.


His dark eyes are oval-shaped. His ears are straight and folded. They are also V-shaped. His nose is always completely black. His tail is sickle or sabre shaped. It can also be shortened.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 2, section 1 and is #185

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Miniature Pinscher puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder
Average monthly budget for a Miniature Pinscher:
The monthly budget includes the average expenses for food and hygiene products (grooming, anti-parasite...)

Tips About this breed

If he has to cohabit with other animals, the Miniature Pinscher must be able to benefit from a very early and appropriate socialization because he is not very sociable with his fellow creatures nor with the other animal species.

His education must also be adequate and firm in order to master his independent and rather stubborn side. Interdictions must be established very clearly and quickly.

Despite his small size, the Miniature Pinscher is an excellent guardian. Warning his master the moment an intrusion occurs, he won't hesitate to denounce any stranger venturing on his territory.

However, his education must teach him to behave with strangers in an appropriate manner and must control his natural fear of them in order to prevent his warning from turning into a threat.

He can live just about anywhere as long as he has room to spend his energy. If he is kept in the garden, he must be able to access the inside of the house because he can't stand the cold or rain. He can spend time outside but he must be able to live inside.

Health of the Miniature Pinscher

Despite his very small size, the Miniature Pinscher is solid and very robust. He is in excellent health, rarely gets sick and has a remarkable life expectancy.

Obesity is to be proscribed in his case. It happens that some of the Miniature Pinschers are affected by vertebral problems due to their size, and also by some cardiac conditions, but this is by no means a pathology or disease directly related to the breed.

Like most very small dogs, some females may have difficulty giving birth.


Despite his short hair, the coat requires regular brushing to keep it clean, shiny and healthy. Its maintenance requires little time and is very easy to carry out with regular brushing. No other special care is therefore necessary.

History of this breed

The origins of the Miniature Pinscher are uncertain, but it is thought to be the result of a cross between a Greyhound, a Dachshund and a German Pinscher.

He first appeared in 1900 at an exhibition in Stuttgart, Germany. Very widespread in the 20th century, a large number of Miniature Pinschers disappeared during the first World War, as did many other breeds at that time.

The ravages of the war were however temporary, and the breed's population grew again very quickly afterwards, with 1,300 registrations in 1925.

In 1929, the Miniature Pinscher won the hearts of the Americans where he was recognized by the American Kennel Club. Since then, the breed has continued to grow outside his native Germany. His recognition on the other side of the Atlantic is therefore no longer necessary, because of his popularity.

The Miniature Pinscher is essentially a companion dog. His small size makes him a wonderful companion dog for all family situations. Despite his size, he is an excellent alarm dog, warning loud and clear at the slightest intrusion on his territory.

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