Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The charm of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier makes his masters always ready to forgive him his few character moods. This specimen is adorable, but like any little angel, he has his own little horns. He is a real paradox on all fours. All that applies to the Dandie Dinmont Terrier applies also for other Terriers. This rustic little dog is original and even if some people call him "ugly", he is simply more original than his peers. Unfortunately, he is not very well known and appreciated at his true value. The breed is therefore not very widespread.

Height 25 to 30 cm
Weight 8 to 11 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 15 years
Home country United Kingdom (UK)

Quick Overview of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier


  • Charming and affectionate
  • Sociable and slightly stubborn
  • Lively and cheerful
  • Loves everyone


  • Special elegant look
  • Long body
  • Very silky hair
  • Particularly developed muscles


  • Generally in excellent health
  • Very sturdy and solid
  • Growth to watch
  • Long life expectancy

Temperament of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Charming, affectionate, sociable, slightly stubborn, lively and cheerful, all these terms characterize the Dandie Dinmont Terrier very well.

This sweet little pepper or mustard demon is very much in his place in the Terrier category in every sense of the word.

He loves everyone, big and small, and has great courage and a strong temperament that makes him a good alarm system.

However, once the warning is executed, he will be very happy to meet the newcomer.

In order to manage his stubbornness and desire to control everything, he needs a good early education to enslave him and teach him to socialize early.

dandie dinmont terrier personnalité

Breed Appearance

dandie dinmont terrier

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is very special, with his long body and characteristic head covered in very silky hair.

His muscles are particularly well developed and his width is specific to his breed.

His special gait is nevertheless very elegant and leaves an unforgettable impression.


Between 25 and 30 cm (9.84 to 11.81 inches) for the male
Between 25 and 30 cm (9.84 to 11.81 inches) for the female


Between 8 and 11 kg (17.64 to 24.25 pounds) for the male
Between 8 and 11 kg (17.64 to 24.25 pounds) for the female


His color can be pepper, either in shades of grey or mustard, in shades of sand or red.


His hair is a mixture of soft and hard hair. They are abundant and form a shaggy tuft on the head.


His broad head is strong with well developed jaws and his skull is rounded.

His large round eyes are brown or very deep dark hazelnut.

His drooping ears are well set against the cheeks. His nose is black. His rather short tail is carried cheerfully.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 3, section 2 and is #168

Tips About this breed

Both different and identical to the other Terriers, this pretty little specimen is very special as much by his appearance as by his character and his very own attitude.

He has the typical Terrier character but his particular look is quite unique.

With an excellent character, he can live just about anywhere and in every condition.

It can live indoors as well as outdoors because his hair is weather resistant. He is therefore not afraid of the rigours of the weather.

If he lives indoors, however, he will need exercise because his vitality and energy are overflowing and must be spent regularly.

A little stubborn, in line with the character of his category, he will need a good, rigorous and firm education to avoid that he does as he pleases or that he decides for everyone.

A good upbringing will avoid this capricious and stubborn side.

Health of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Generally endowed with excellent health, this small dog, being nevertheless quite robust, is very strong once adult, but his growth must be closely monitored.

His diet is very important and must contain the nutrients necessary for his growth. He will thus enjoy good health and life expectancy.


He must be given a good brushing at least twice a week. No other special maintenance is required for this breed.

History of this breed

Of very ancient origin, but from Great Britain, the breed is said to come from small dogs bred by the nomads who visited the South of Scotland in the 18th century.

Among these small dogs, bred on the border of England and Scotland in the Borders region, would be the Otterhound, the Skye Terrier, the Scottish Terrier and probably the Bedlington Terrier.

Legend has it that the ancestor of the breed was a Gypsy dog.

Subsequently, farmers, including a certain Piper Allan accompanied by his son James, would have created the first Dandie Dinmont Terrier breedings.

This small dog became very fashionable in the years 1814 and 1815 following the publication of the novel "Guy Mannering" where the author, Sir Walter Scott, highlighted a character named Dandie Dinmont Terrier, owning Terriers named Mustard or Pepper.

As a result of this growing popularity, the breed standard was established, but it wasn't until 1875 that the first breed club was formed. The official recognition of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier was made one year later.

Nowadays, he is one of the rarest Scottish Terriers on the planet. There are a little more than 150 specimens in England actually, but there are barely a dozen in France. This small dog is nevertheless an excellent, very affectionate and much appreciated life companion.

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