Welsh terrier


Lovers of the Airedale Terrier, but who do not have the space for his large size, can enjoy his beauty but in a reduced size with the Welsh Terrier. His appearance, almost identical to that of his ancestor will make them happy. For others, this beautiful specimen is to be discovered for his kindness, playful nature and great joy to share his games, as much with children as with adults. This former hunter has become nowadays a wonderful life companion for all dog lovers.

Height 38 to 39 cm
Weight 7 to 9 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 15 years
Home country United Kingdom (UK)

Quick Overview of the Welsh terrier


  • Rather nice
  • Pleasant, good company
  • Docile and affectionate
  • Fairly reserved temperament
  • Brave and very lively


  • Balanced and compact silhouette
  • Pleasant appearance
  • Abundant, thick, strong and rough coat
  • Small dark eyes


  • Very robust
  • Healthy as a rock
  • Rarely ill
  • No particular pathology

Temperament of the Welsh terrier

The Welsh Terrier is a friendly, natural, pleasant and good companion. Docile and affectionate, he is nevertheless quite reserved. He is brave and very lively.

Even if he is not aggressive in general, he is an excellent guard dog. His strong temperament must be controlled by a good education, and his socialization must be developed very early because he has trouble tolerating his fellow creatures.

welsh terrier personnalité

Breed Appearance

welsh terrier

This dog, built for work, is strong, with a well balanced and compact body.

Smaller than his ancestor, the Airedale Terrier, he still has his allure and presence. His physique is very photogenic.


Between 38 and 39 cm (14.96 to 15.35 inches) for the male
Between 38 and 39 cm (14.96 to 15.35 inches) for the female


Between 7 and 9 kg (15.43 to 19.84 pounds) for the male
Between 7 and 9 kg (15.43 to 19.84 pounds) for the female


His dress is same as the Airedale Terrier, black and tan, or black and grey.


His coat is abundant, thick, strong and rough.


His head has a rather flat skull at the stop but not too marked. His small eyes are dark.

His small v-shaped ears are carried forward and set high. His nose is black. His tail is carried high and is usually shortened.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 3, section 1 and is #78

Tips About this breed

The Welsh Terrier can live just about anywhere. Even if he needs a minimum of exercise, he can easily adapt to any situation.

Whether he's in a garden or in the house, he'll be very happy. He loves daily walks, and his need for exercise will be easily met.

However, he must be given a firm and rigorous education. His tendency to disobedience and emotional dependence must be controlled at an early age.

The uncompromising education of this dog will make him an excellent companion. It is essential to teach him to socialize with his peers at a very early age, and to minimize his potential aggressiveness towards strangers.

Health of the Welsh terrier

Very robust, the Welsh Terrier seems to have an infallible health. He is rarely ill, and no particular pathology affects the breed. He has an iron constitution and good life expectancy.


His rough coat requires brushing at least two to three times a week. An occasional shearing should also be part of his maintenance, in order to maintain his beautiful and healthy coat.

History of this breed

Originally from Wales, this breed of the great Terrier family is very old. Probably descended from a cross between the Fox and the Airedale Terrier, the Welsh Terrier developed in a very isolated area of the country, without any contact with other terriers.

His selection was therefore made naturally, without human intervention. He is very similar to his ancestor, the Airedale Terrier. He has all his colors and appearance, but his small size is more reminiscent of his other ancestor, the Fox Terrier.

Later on, the Welsh Terrier was crossed with the wire-haired Fox Terrier to improve the breed. He was used for hunting and guarding, and made his entry into the canine world around 1884.

Despite his ancientness, it was only two years later that the breed was legally recognized, and the last official modification of his standard was in 1947.

From a hunter of badgers, foxes and otters, he became a wonderful life companion. The hunting instinct being always present in his genes, he remains a formidable predator for all species of rodents daring to cross the garden in his presence.

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