Spanish Water Dog

Turkish Dog, Perro de Agua

The liveliness and joie de vivre of the Spanish Water Dog make him an excellent companion dog. Despite not being very affectionate with children, this dog is still gentle and kind to family members. His thick coat allows him to respond to climatic variations and thus makes him a popular dog in the swampy regions of his country. His great adaptability and easy training make him a very popular dog in Andalusia and surrounding areas.

Height 40 to 50 cm
Weight 14 to 22 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 14 years
Home country Spain

Quick Overview of the Spanish Water Dog


  • Obedient and valiant
  • Kind and faithful
  • Integrated in the family
  • Very pleasant character


  • Very special look
  • Well-proportioned and athletic physique
  • Curly dress
  • Falling triangular ears


  • Rustic and robust
  • Rarely ill
  • No particular pathology

Temperament of the Spanish Water Dog

Obedient, hardworking, valiant and endowed with excellent hunting instincts, the Spanish Water Dog is kind, loyal and integrated in the family.

He is a dog with a very pleasant character but is rather incompatible with children, especially the most turbulent ones.

His socialization and education must be undertaken at a very early age. Nevertheless, his training is, in general, relatively easy.

This intelligent dog is a sheepdog that is perfectly suited to the variations of the dry and wet climates of the Spanish regions.

The Spanish Water Dogs is gentle, loyal and a well-balanced family dog that can be a hunting and shepherd dog, unaffected by the many climatic variations.

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Breed Appearance

Spanish Water Dog

The Spanish Water Dog has a very special gait and a proportionate, athletic physique.

His developed musculature gives him harmonious shapes.


Between 44 and 50 cm (17.32 to 19.69 inches) for the male
Between 40 and 46 cm (15.75 to 18.11 inches) for the female


Between 18 and 22 kg (39.68 to 48.50 pounds) for the male
Between 14 and 18 kg (30.86 to 39.68 pounds) for the female


The color of his coat can vary between black, white, brown, white and brown as well as white and black.


The hair of his coat is curly and very woolly in texture.


His head has a flat skull and his stop is little marked. His oblique eyes are generally a pretty color going from hazelnut to brown.

His triangular ears are drooping. His nose is in harmony with the color of his coat. His tail is generally amputated between the 2nd and 4th vertebrae.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 8, section 3 and is #336

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Spanish Water Dog pictures

Tips About this breed

This sturdy hunting dog has an unfailing flair. He is hard working and obedient.

In the family, he is very faithful to his master. He is generally well-balanced and kind but is not really compatible with young children. Rather impatient, he often finds it difficulty to tolerate them.

His education is generally easy, but his socialization must be undertaken from an early age.

In order to succeed, his education, even if easy, must still be firm and adequate, especially if the dog has to be around children.

He can adapt very well and can even live in an apartment if necessary.

However, his need for exercise must be respected as well as his need for space.

Once these two conditions are met, the Spanish Water Dog becomes an excellent companion for both city dwellers and country people.

Health of the Spanish Water Dog

This hardy and robust dog is rarely sick. The breed is not affected by any particular pathology.

His special coat allows him to adapt well to all climates and situations. He generally enjoys excellent health and longevity.


Despite appearances, he is easy to maintain and requires little time. His coat does not require any brushing but it is preferable to shear it two or three times a year to allow it to better withstand the heat. Apart from shearing, it does not require any other particular maintenance.

History of this breed

The Spanish Water Dog has been present in the Iberian Peninsula since the dawn of time. Originally from Spain, he shares his ancestors with the Barbet.

Widely used as a sheepdog in Andalusia, this is where the largest number of breed specimens can be found.

In this region, he is known as the "Turkish Dog" for centuries.

The quality of his coat and his very special characteristics are totally adapted to the variable climates, dryness and humidity of marshy regions.

Due to these characteristics, fishermen and water game hunters of these regions use him as an assistant and qualify him of sheepdog.

In 1975, the selection of the breed began. Then recognized by Spain in 1985, it's in 1990 that the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) officially recognized it.

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