Lucerne Hound

Lucerne, Small Swiss Hound, Small Lucerne Hound, Small Swiss Hound

Hunters love him, sportsmen make him happy and family makes him even happier. This very versatile dog can make the happiness of many owners, whether hunters or not. He is lively and passionate, and excels at hunting as much as he is appreciated for his emotional and calm side with family. The Lucerne Hound is a very pleasant dog to get to know.

Height 33 to 41 cm
Weight 9 to 15 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 13 years
Home country Switzerland

Quick Overview of the Lucerne Hound


  • Gentle and quiet
  • Resistant
  • Friendly and calm
  • Lively and courageous


  • Powerful build
  • Noble air
  • Long ears and long muzzle
  • Black truffle


  • Rarely ill
  • Good general health
  • No particular pathology

Temperament of the Lucerne Hound

Soft and calm, he is both hardy and gentle. This hunting enthusiast is a friendly, lively, courageous, calm and never aggressive dog.

This dog with a wonderful temperament still needs a good education.

The Lucerne Hound can live just about anywhere, but since he loves to hunt, he needs to be able to run freely and enjoy intense exercise regularly.

Passionate about hunting, he is gentle and docile in family where he is very devoted to his master.

He is compatible with all family situations, even those with children because he is very calm and gets along great with the youngest.

As a great athlete, he prefers the countryside to the city, but a house with a garden where he can run also makes him very happy. As he is very attached to his family, the closeness of his family is important for his well-being.

He is sociable and is by no means a guard dog. He is never aggressive with anyone, he gets along perfectly with humans as well as other dogs.

Breed Appearance

Lucerne hound

With a powerful build, he is a bonsai model of the Swiss Hound.

Medium-size, he has a morphology that reveals his endurance and vigor.

His head adorned with long ears and a long muzzle gives him an air of undeniable nobility.


Between 33 and 41 cm (12.99 to 16.14 inches) for the male
Between 33 and 41 cm (12.99 to 16.14 inches) for the female


Between 9 and 15 kg (19.84 to 33.07 pounds) for the male
Between 9 and 15 kg (19.84 to 33.07 pounds) for the female


His coat is a beautiful color called blue, coming from a multitude of black and white hairs strongly speckled, with black spots or a black saddle.

Light to dark red markings are found on the legs, around the anus, on the chest and above the eyes.

He can also have a black dress.


His hair is short, dense and smooth and fine on the ears and head.


His head, noble and dry, is medium size. His eyes are oval with a dark iris and very soft expression.

His ears, rather narrow at the base, are drooping and adhere well to the head. They are very thin and rather low.

His nose is black. His tail, set low, extends from the croup to the hock.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 6, section 1 and is #59

Health of the Lucerne Hound

Despite his somewhat vulnerable appearance, he is however rarely ill, the Lucerne Hound is generally in good health.

No particular pathology affects the breed and he is life expectancy is high.


His maintenance is relatively easy and regular brushing is sufficient to keep his coat healthy.

No other special care is required.

History of this breed

Traces of his ancient origins can be seen on a mosaic of hounds from the Avenches in Helvetic times, representing dogs looking like the Lucerne Hound.

Between the 15th and 18th centuries, they were much sought after by the French and Italians for hunting hares.

The Lucerne Hound is one of five categories in the Swiss Hound family.

The category of Small Swiss Hounds includes the Lucerne, Bernese, Jura of the Saint-Hubert type and Thurgau Hound.

All specimens of the native breed were certainly influenced by the French hounds brought to Switzerland by mercenaries in remote times.

A standard was established for each model around 1882. Around 1909, a revision was issued for all standards, at which time the Thurgau Hound disappeared. In 1933, a single standard was decided for the four remaining varieties.

These small hounds are appreciated for gun and game hunting such as foxes, roe deer, hares and sometimes even wild boar.

He is very efficient, even on difficult terrain. This dog created for hunting has also become a companion dog appreciated for his affectionate, calm and gentle temperament.

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