Norwegian Lundehund

Norwegian Puffin Dog

Appreciated hunter, the Norwegian Lundehund has become a popular companion due to his excellent character and playful temperament, enabling him to live with the family and enjoy games, even with the smallest children. This canine specimen was rescued in extremis, but still remains rather unknown outside the borders of Norway or Finland, where the majority of the breed's specimens live today.

Height 32 to 38 cm
Weight 6 to 7 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 14 years
Hair Loss High
Excercise Need High
Home country Norway

Quick Overview of the Norwegian Lundehund


  • Happy and independent
  • Awakened and loving
  • Sensitive and soft
  • Lovely with family


  • Flexible and light silhouette
  • Dense & coarse hair
  • Soft undercoat
  • Medium triangular ears
  • Black truffle


  • Iron constitution, rarely sick
  • May suffer from food intolerances

Temperament of the Norwegian Lundehund

Happy, independent, alert, affectionate, sensitive, gentle and very kind to all members of the household, he loves children and their games.

Not at all aggressive, he is nevertheless reserved towards strangers, which makes him a good guardian, but never threatening.

Easy to train and socialize, he must still receive a firm and adequate education.

The Norwegian Lundehund is compatible with all family situations. He can live anywhere, but has a great need for exercise.

He also has a tendency to run away, so it is preferable to fence the property.

From the hunter of the past, practically extinct because of the ban on puffin hunting, this gentle little dog has become an excellent life companion, allowing the breed to survive all these years.

He has practically given up his hunting garment to become a full companion dog.

He is sociable and compatible with all, both humans and animals. His education is easy but must be firm and gentle at the same time.

The Norwegian Puffin Dog is an excellent guardian but never aggressive. He warns because his natural reserve towards strangers makes him react, but he won't attack visitors. He is naturally gentle and affectionate.

Breed Appearance

Norwegian Lundehund

This small, rectangular Spitz-type dog has a flexible, light silhouette.

The characteristics of his morphology change according to his sex.


Between 35 and 38 cm (13.78 to 14.96 inches) for the male
Between 32 and 35 cm (12.60 to 13.78 inches) for the female


Between 6 and 7 kg (13.23 to 15.43 pounds) for the male
Between 6 and 7 kg (13.23 to 15.43 pounds) for the female


The color of the coat can vary from red to bright red, with black tips, but always with white.

Adult dogs have more hair on the black tips than younger ones.


The coat of the Norwegian Lundehund is dense and coarse, but the undercoat is very soft.


His head has a slightly rounded skull with a pronounced stop.

His eyes are usually yellowish brown. His ears are triangular, mobile and carried upright.

His nose is black. His tail may be carried slightly curled over the back, hanging, or carried in a loop.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 5, section 2 and is #265

Characteristics of the Norwegian Lundehund

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Life in an apartment
Good first dog
Tolerates solitude
Tolerates cold weather
Tolerates hot weather
Friendly with children
Friendly with strangers
Friendly with other animals
Hair loss
Drooling level
Easy to care for
Robust health
Easy to train
Tendency to bark
Tendency to nibble
Instinct to hunt
Adventurous spirit
Energy level
Level of intensity
Need for exercise

Health of the Norwegian Lundehund

The Norwegian Lundehund has an iron constitution, but he can sometimes suffer from food intolerance.

It is important to choose his food carefully to avoid this kind of issue. Generally speaking, he is rarely ill and has a long life expectancy.


The dense coat of the Norwegian Puffin Dog requires no special care, but regular brushing ensures a beautiful, healthy, glossy coat.

History of this breed

Officially originating from Norway, the Lundehund is a very old breed and his physical characteristics make him a cynological rarity.

His very ancient origins go far back in time. The first mention of the breed is found in the writings of Provost Erik Hansen Schonnebol in the 16th century.

Some writings are also dated from the 18th century, the most famous of which is in the book "Trumpet of Nordland" by Petter Dass, this pastor poet recounting the puffin hunt in 1700 on the island of Lovund.

Some even say that his origins could easily date back to the Ice Age.

In any case, the Norwegian Puffin Dog was used for centuries for puffin hunting. This bird was the main source of food for the local population and the feathers were used to make blankets.

This dog, with his six fingers and distinctive ear canals that could close underwater, could easily sneak into cliff holes and precipices to hunt puffins.

The population living on the islands North of the country lived from farming and fishing. Puffin hunting was for a long time one of the main activities at the time.

Between May and June, each dog could bring back a minimum of 100 birds per day for 2 to 3 weeks.

In the 19th century, the use of nets and the protection of puffins made the dog lose his popularity, as he was no longer needed for the survival of the population.

The breed was threatened with extinction with the loss of numbers. In the 1940s, the breed almost disappeared completely.

Later, the remaining specimens were saved and the breed resumed some of his growth, only to face a new threat in the 1960s.

Despite all these threats of extinction, he is still present today. He was officially recognized in 1943 and 1962, and the Norsk Lundehund Klubb was founded.

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